A life rampant, street level story of mentorship and everyday heroism in tough circumstances. An inner city coach's son, estranged in his youth from his father, spends five years on ball fields in inner city Oakland and Havana, following the lives of two extraordinary youth baseball coaches, Roscoe in Oakland and Nicolas in Havana. The coaches meet on videotape and two years of red tape later, Coach Roscoe and nine Oakland players travel to Havana to play Coach Nicolas' team. For one week, the players and coaches eat, dance, swim, argue and play baseball. Real friendships form. But when the parent of an Oakland player is murdered back home, it brings back the inescapable reality and challenges of life in an American inner city.
Personal Use: DVD/BluRay Purchase
For you to enjoy the film in the comfort of your own home! Please note home DVD purchases DO NOT include Public Performance Rights.
DVD ($25 plus $5 shipping & handling) BluRay ($30 plus $5 shipping & handling)
Personal Use: Streaming Service
Buy or Rent Ghost Town to Havana via Vimeo On Demand!
Screening License + DVD
Non-commercial, non-broadcast use in universities, colleges, hospitals, companies, community organizations, K-12 schools or public libraries.
This includes the right to screen the film in a classroom or library, or within an organization when no admission is charged.
$250 College/University Campus
$350 Non-Profit & Community w/fundraiser
$150 9-12, Non-Profit & Community
You keep the DVD for unlimited classroom and library use.
Coach Roscoe Bryant, an inspirational speaker, and filmmaker Eugene Corr are available to speak to school and community groups. $400 for local/Northern California screenings; $700 for distant locations; sliding scale/negotiable rates for community groups based on ability to pay.
Streaming License + DVD
$559 Blanket License